tirsdag 29. mars 2011

The special manifold from the Dellorto to the Shovel heads arrived today, and it is time for trial mounting. The Mikuni 38 that was mounted on the bike before looks like it is made for a pocket bike when placed beside the new Dellorto. A lot of mock up pictures gives an indication of what it will look like when finished.

The manifold was barely out of the before getting down to the workshop.
The miniature carb on the right is really a MIKUNI 38 which was intended to give the engine more effect
Its a monster!
Its just getting better.
Pure mechanic beauty.
And from the top.
And with the turbo.

I am so ready to mount this on the bike and get started on the exhaust and turbo piping.

Erik Michelsen

onsdag 16. mars 2011

NOS for your Harley

NOS - Horsepower in a bottle
altN2O - What is NOS and how does it work?
Firstly the terms NOS comes from a company name Nitrous Oxide System. They was one of the first to develop NOS system for cars. When Nitrous oxide is injected 33% oxygen saturation is reached
- In air we only have 21% oxygen. N2O is commonly known as laughing gas and is the only way out if you have to pull out a tooth and you really do not want to. And in the other end it is a great oxidiser which means that it releases oxygen and especially at higher temperatures. You can produce Nitrous oxide by heating ammonium nitrate but I do not think you should try that at home, not at your neighbors house either  by the way.
So no we know that Nitrous oxide is better to carry oxygen than air and that it can be contained under pressure in a bottle. In the other end we have an engine that can combust more fuel if it has access to enough oxygen. Many people believes that the gas is flammable in itself, but that is not the fact. When exposed to high temperature,s as in you combustion chamber of your engine, it release more oxygen than can be carried into the engine with ambient pressure air.  Another effect is that when the Nitrous oxide is injected it "steals" energy from its surroundings resulting in a colder air/fuel mix and therefore......
Yes - More air/fuel per the same volume. That is great isn't it?
Absolutely, but there might be a small problem - Not all engines are made for a sudden increase in effect, in some cases doubling the amount of horse powers in not many seconds. For some engines this may result in steel parts coming out in the most unusual places, and believe me you do not want that! If you are lucky you only melt the piston or even your valves.
But as with all beasts, and I am not talking about your wife, it is fun when controlled. There are a lot of NOS system out there and with most of them you can control to a certain degree the power. One supplier of such equipment for Harleys is:

They supply a system called Wet Nitrous Kit and it stated to fit Harley Davidson. I have not tried it so this is not a product review - Even I would love to try it.
This is how it is described by MPS:
The Adjustable, Direct Port Nitrous System
Touch the button and your "hawg" turns into a wild boar. With a super strong bottom end, Harley engines can take more pushbutton horsepower than most. And, the fully adjustable Fogger™ lets you choose how much is just right. With the jets included in each Harley kit, you can expect to see a 30% to 40% increase in horsepower and torque. Plus, the Fogger™ can be adjusted for even more (or less) power by simply changing jets if your engine is modified. 
They also state that most engines will need more fuel that your petcock can supply - That is scary in a fun way! The kit shall be easy to install and if done correctly you should be able to install it in an afternoon.
And it looks like you are going to the moon:
 And a complete kit like this
will set you back approximately 1230 $ if you go for the big fun!
So good luck guys - Check out their website and see if they have something for your bike!
Erik Michelsen

tirsdag 8. mars 2011

More parts arrived for the Turbo Project

New parts arrived for the Turbo project

The crankshaft is now sent to Tore for a complete overhaul in order to withstand the brutal increase in force from the Turbo (I hope). I have been waiting quite some time for a pump from Hong Kong and a mini radiator from USA. Both have arrived and the radiator must be the smallest I have seen....

In order to get the water thru the radiator and further to the turbo bearings this little chap will hopefully do the job.

In addition I received the MIKUNI 42 that I bought when I still believed that I would have a draw thru configuration where this carb would have been an excellent choice. Still I can rebuild it or use it as a prize in a contest on my website - Who knows?
In addition I painted the new cylinders in silver paint that should withstand the temperature, at least according to the manufacturer. The outdoor paint shop is the only one left since I am not allowed to paint indoor anymore - Somebody claims that it smells.. They look good though.

This article is made and uploaded with "mobilt bredbånd" and believe me it is not broad enough...
Its Thursday and I am chopping wood.

How to get Garage money!

Garage money - How to get more.

altIts all about finding your mental scale - Like the scale weighing parcels in the post office - Only in your head. On one side is the thing you have to do for the people around you and on the other side the things you want to do. This is the scale controlling give and take, including garage money. As a normal scale, it has to be calibrated. This means that the density of what you want and the volume of it must be the same for yourself and the people around you. And the same for the other side of the scale - The things you have to do. Both sides of the scale must be SMART. Specific Measurable Achivable Relevant Timescaled.
When the scale is calibrated you can start the trading. WARNING - do not mix in general work in the house such as cleaning, washing clothes and so on - You will loose on this whatever you try.

Based on the simple theory above the following arguments can be used:
1.  A year of moving the lawn is worth 2000 NOK. This should cover a second hand carburetor.
2.  Maintaining the car should be worth 4000 NOK. This is for the MC lift table.
3.  If your wife is interested in a greenhouse - Build one which at least should be worth 8000 NOK in garage money.
4.  Refurbishing the Attic into a creative room for your spouse should bring in around 10000. This should give you enough for 2 new heads for you Shovelhead and one if you have a Flathead...
5.  The fifth one requires some preparations. Buy in lots of red wine, cheap candles and music from an Italian person and invite for a romantic evening. Around 24.00 you can pop the question about a second Harley. This can go two routes:
     A. You wife still says no - Continue to drink red wine and hope she forget that you asked.
     B. She says yes - Stop drinking immediately and continue talking about the new Harley.
6.  Vacations. Vacations can be traded in nearly anything. The most important is that it appears that you do not like the place the rest wants to go to. When this is established - Bring home a lot of vacation brochures and start negotiations.
7.  Play poker with your kids - No don't do it - You most likely loose... 
8.  This might be one of the hardest. Sell some of the parts you have collected as "nice to have" even if we all know that we might need them some day...

All the above must only be carried out by professionals understanding the consequences by your own actions.