tirsdag 8. mars 2011

How to get Garage money!

Garage money - How to get more.

altIts all about finding your mental scale - Like the scale weighing parcels in the post office - Only in your head. On one side is the thing you have to do for the people around you and on the other side the things you want to do. This is the scale controlling give and take, including garage money. As a normal scale, it has to be calibrated. This means that the density of what you want and the volume of it must be the same for yourself and the people around you. And the same for the other side of the scale - The things you have to do. Both sides of the scale must be SMART. Specific Measurable Achivable Relevant Timescaled.
When the scale is calibrated you can start the trading. WARNING - do not mix in general work in the house such as cleaning, washing clothes and so on - You will loose on this whatever you try.

Based on the simple theory above the following arguments can be used:
1.  A year of moving the lawn is worth 2000 NOK. This should cover a second hand carburetor.
2.  Maintaining the car should be worth 4000 NOK. This is for the MC lift table.
3.  If your wife is interested in a greenhouse - Build one which at least should be worth 8000 NOK in garage money.
4.  Refurbishing the Attic into a creative room for your spouse should bring in around 10000. This should give you enough for 2 new heads for you Shovelhead and one if you have a Flathead...
5.  The fifth one requires some preparations. Buy in lots of red wine, cheap candles and music from an Italian person and invite for a romantic evening. Around 24.00 you can pop the question about a second Harley. This can go two routes:
     A. You wife still says no - Continue to drink red wine and hope she forget that you asked.
     B. She says yes - Stop drinking immediately and continue talking about the new Harley.
6.  Vacations. Vacations can be traded in nearly anything. The most important is that it appears that you do not like the place the rest wants to go to. When this is established - Bring home a lot of vacation brochures and start negotiations.
7.  Play poker with your kids - No don't do it - You most likely loose... 
8.  This might be one of the hardest. Sell some of the parts you have collected as "nice to have" even if we all know that we might need them some day...

All the above must only be carried out by professionals understanding the consequences by your own actions.

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